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Surgery Day

Our process swiftly diagnoses, treats, and supports recovery, ensuring your pet heals effectively.

  • Drop-off is between 8:00 - 8:30 am
  • The patient will be set up in a cozy kennel
  • Surgery prep before the procedure
  • Once the surgery begins, you'll be notified via text
  • The doctor will call you once your pet is in recovery
  • Your pet will stay overnight with our staff 
Surgery Day Timeline:
  • Ensure prompt arrival between 8:00 - 8:30 am
  • Please bring any or all medications that your pet is currently taking
  • Review diagnostic and treatment plan from the consultation visit
How you can be best prepared:
  • You and your pet will arrive between 8:00 - 8:30 am on the day of surgery. An assistant will quickly go over some information and take your pet to the back. 
  • Your pet will then be taken back to a run where they are set up with a treatment sheet and cozy blankets where they will spend time with the team who will be taking care of them after surgery. At this time they will receive an I.V. Catheter so that medications can easily be administered during and after surgery. 
  • You will receive a text letting you know when your pet’s surgery has begun and the Doctor will call you as soon as your pet is awake and in recovery. Your pet will spend the night of surgery at our hospital and will be fed at 6pm and 6am. Through the night, they will have their vitals monitored and will be taken outside for regular walks. The patients will recieve any medication needed through the night.
What does Surgery Day Look Like?

Common Questions

We know you're concerned with your pet while they're in our care! Let us answer a few burning questions you might have.

When will my pet's surgery take place?

Your pet’s surgery time will depend on several factors, such as their size, weight, and the type of surgery. The order of surgeries is determined by the doctors on the morning of surgery. You will receive a text when your pet is going into surgery, and after the procedure is completed, the surgeon will call you to update you on how things went.

Will someone be with my pet during the night?

Yes, your pet will spend the night with us after surgery so that we can closely monitor them. A staff member will be with your pet all night, checking their vitals, making sure they’re comfortable, and providing any necessary care, such as feeding them or taking them outside to use the restroom. We’ll ensure they are resting comfortably and have everything they need throughout the night.

Why does my pet need to stay overnight?

Your pet needs to stay overnight so we can monitor them closely for any potential complications after surgery. This allows us to check their vitals regularly, ensure they are resting comfortably, and provide around-the-clock care. By keeping your pet with us, we can ensure their recovery is progressing smoothly and address any issues that might arise during the night.

Why do I need to drop off my pet between 8:00 - 8:30 am?

We ask that you drop off your pet between 8:00 and 8:30 am to ensure they haven’t eaten anything before surgery, which is crucial for anesthesia. During this time, we also prepare your pet for surgery by placing an IV catheter, administering pre-anesthesia drugs, and making them comfortable in a kennel. This helps your pet relax and get used to the staff who will be taking care of them throughout the day!

Related Videos

Check out the corresponding video to learn more about the specific procedure we will perform on your pet.

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Meet Dr. Bill Draper